
Sapporo Symphony Orchestra


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Ticket Information on the 623rd Subscription Concert

10月18日・19日 札響定期演奏会 当日券販売とロビーコンサート
Ticket Information on the 623rd Subscription Concert

The 623rd Subscription Concert will be held at

7pm on Friday, October 18 and at 2pm on Saturday, October 19 in Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara. Maestro Max Pommer with Aki Matsui, soprano, Daichi Fujiki, countertenor, Makoto Sakurada, tenor, Tsuyoshi Mihara, bass (Jesus), Toru Kaku, bass and Sapporo Symphony Chorus presents

J.S.Bach / St. John Passion
(Part I approx. 35 minutes, intermission 15 minutes, and Part II approx.75 minutes)


●Tickets will be on sale at

■Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara Large Hall Box Office

Friday – 6pm~ /Saturday- 1pm

・SS 6,500 yen (only for Friday); S 5,500yen; A 5,000 yen; B 4,500 yen; C 3,000 yen; P Free smile 2,000 yen

For those who born on 1994 or after, U25 seats for 1,500 yen are available (B and C seats only). Please bring your birth certificate.

※Please follow the instructions given by staff while you are in the Kitara Hall. Kindly understand that the sponsor or Kitara hall will not bear any responsibility for accidents or injuries occurred by not following the instruction.


●Lobby Concert

■Friday, from 6:30pm and Saturday, from 1:30 pm at the foyer.


J. S. Bach/ The Art of Fugue BWV1080 Contrapunctus1, 4 and 19

with Takahiro Tajima, Kanade Doi, violin; Kenichi Mononbe, viola and Tasuku Saruwatari, cello.